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Infoseek アクセス解析
Infoseek メーリングリスト
インフォシーク isweb ベーシック
Infoseek アクセス解析
!doctype>うち2回はカメラ忘れました フッ( -ω-)y─━ =3
244 名前:◆Koneko/8Oc[sage saga] 投稿日:2012/02/12(日) 21:57:36.91 ID:AUOPYNiWo [1/10]
245 名前:◆Koneko/8Oc[sage saga] 投稿日:2012/02/12(日) 21:58:13.61 ID:AUOPYNiWo [2/10]
おっ!? ご丁寧にメッセージカードが入ってるじゃねぇか。
この毒入りチョコを食べて、早く死んでください ♥』
263 名前: ◆Koneko/8Oc[sage saga] 投稿日:2012/02/26(日) 00:56:44.38 ID:eW/jd3bio [3/10]
No.10 補足の件
>Base Size Version Path
>0x10000000 0x87000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\pmnon.dll
winlogon.exe pid: 680
Command line: winlogon.exe
Base Size Version Path
0x01000000 0x7d000 \??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe
0x7c940000 0x9d000 5.01.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
0x7c800000 0x131000 5.01.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
0x77d80000 0xa9000 5.01.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
最初の部分の「winlogon.exe pid: 680」は起動されているプロセスとそのIDです。
☆Process ID
!doctype>今朝は地方紙の一面トップもマイコーのメモリアルの記事でした。 "King of Pop" の名声、そして世界各国から届く追悼や称賛の言葉。 彼を愛してやまないファン達。 さすがはビッグスター★マイコー。 でもめったに顔を見せなかったParisが参列者の前で、彼の娘として、 「Ever since I was born, Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine. And I just wanted say, I love him so much」 ...
Posted in ちくわジャーナル on July 9, 2009 08:13 AM
夏休み! みなさんいかがお過ごしでしょうか? 日本に一時帰国、リゾート地に避暑、相変わらずの子供の送り迎え... 子供は休みでも大人はなかなか2ヵ月半も休めませんからね~~ でもまあ、せっかくの良い季節なのでキャンプにでも行くか!! という事で出かけて来ました。 背の高い松林の中のキャンプサイト。 男性軍が釣りに行っている間、私はのんびりハンモックで読書&うたたね... お気楽極楽タイム。 そのうち、メインディッシュとしてこんがり焼かれる運命のトラウトを抱えて漁師達が戻って来ました。 キャンプサイト内に温泉&プールがあるので汗を流してスッキリしたら、ビール片手に夕食の準備。 お魚や買ってきた肉、野菜をグリルしてもらっている間に使い込まれた鉄のお鍋でスープを煮込みます。 少し日が落ちてきた頃に夕ご飯。 ゆったりまったりと時間が流れて行きます。 そして夜中になってからがこのキャンプのメインイベント★★★ みんながテントを張っている場所は大きな木に囲まれているのですが 少し離れたところにはぽっかりと草原になっている場所がありました。 そこにみんなで出かけて行って、真っ暗な草原の真ん中にシートを広げて寝転がります。 すると目の前に広がるのはは満天の星★☆★☆★☆ そこにいたのはほんの数分だったのですが、その間に4つ、流れ星を見ました♪ 私が確認できなかったものもあるので、6つか7つくらいは流れてたんじゃないかな。 「新月で月が見えないときだともっときれいに見えるよ」 と教えてもらいました。 でもうっすらと天の川も見えたし、とにかくこんな風にパノラマな星空を見られて本当に感動。 街で生まれ育った子供達にも素敵な経験をさせてあげられました。 時々、眠らない街東京のネオンが恋しくなることもありますが、人工的な灯りではなくて 手の届かない遥か彼方の宇宙から届く明りをぼーっと眺めるのもいいものです。 長い長い夏休みは始まったばかり!! どちらさまも H.A.G.S!...
Posted in ちくわジャーナル on June 30, 2009 01:07 AM
アメリカではあと1-2週間で学年末を迎える学校が多いですね。 進級、進学、卒業。 新しい道に進む一区切りの時期です。 学校や習い事関係のイベントも多くなりあわただしいですね~~xxx 卒業記念の名入れのご注文をいただくGraduation Schoolにも描かれている角帽。 英語ではcollege capとかGraduation capなどと呼ばれます。 エレメンタリー→ミドルスクール→ハイスクール という流れは「卒業=graduation」ではなくて「進級」ということでpromotionと呼ぶ学校もあるようですが、でもやはりLast day of schoolには生徒が手作りの角帽をかぶったりしてます。 娘のプリスクールでもお揃いの白い角帽をかぶりました。 みんなめちゃくちゃかわいかった!! よく映画で観るような角帽を空に投げ上げるような事はしませんでしたが、かわりに風船を飛ばしていました。 子供達、1年間勉強に遊びによくがんばりました! そして毎日お弁当を作ったり送り迎えをしたパパやママ! 本当~~にお疲れ様でした! 楽しい夏休みをっ! ...
Posted in ちくわジャーナル on June 3, 2009 01:13 AM
「日本で暮らした事があるアメリカ人に、当時恋しかったお国(アメリカ)の食べ物を聞いたらダントツでピザだった。 日本のピザはピザじゃない!ピザにツナとかありえない。コーンマヨピザを見た時は卒倒しそうだった!! という答えが返ってきた」 という内容の記事を読みました。 ヽ(-ω-`;;)オィオィ・・・ ちょっと待て。 吉野家の牛丼に醤油かけて食べるような、天丼にブロッコリーの天ぷら乗せるような、お寿司屋さんで「生の魚は食べられません」ってほざくような人達に言われたくないっ。 めまいを起こして倒れる前に、マヨコーンピザを食べた事があるのかい!? その記事を読んでから気分は「日本のピザ食べたい!マヨコーン食べたい!」 ちょうど冷蔵庫にトレジョで買ってきたピザ生地があったのでさっそくツナもマヨもコーンもたっぷりのピザを作りました。 この生ピザドゥ、プレーン、ハーブ&ガーリックそしてWhole Wheat 、と確か3種類くらいあって選べるのが良いです。 ピザの生地だけを伸ばして焼いて、その上にツナサラダをどかっと乗せました。 あっさりしたドレッシングのサラダ、マヨ和えツナ、そしてパリッと香ばしく焼けたピザ。 Noトマトソース、Noチーズ。 でもこれもPIZZA!! 照り焼きチキンと、そのタレを少し煮詰めてソースにして、コーンと玉ねぎとグリーンオニオンとチーズ(こってりしたくなかったのでおろしたパルミジャーノを少しだけ)、そしてもちろんマヨ。 甘口なので子供受けがいいですよね。テリチピザ。 オトナは切り分けてからこれにブラックペッパーをがりがりするといいです。 私は「黒七味」を少しかけていただきました。めっちゃ合う!! トマトソースにチーズ(+肉系かオリーブ)だけがピザだと思ってるアメリカ人にぜひ食べさせたい!! ...
Posted in ちくわジャーナル on April 29, 2009 06:09 AM
先日、懐石をいただいて来ました。 4月のお料理なので、いちごや筍など旬の素材をふんだんに使っていてとてもおいしかったです。 そして桜尽くしなのがステキでした。 紙のプレイスマットも 八寸が盛られたトレーには八重のかわいい桜が 桜のてんぷら。お口の中でふわ~っと桜の香りが広がります。 天つゆにつけて食べるのがもったいないので、お塩をいただいて、少しだけ付けて食べたら、より桜の風味を味わえました。 普段の生活の中でもこういう季節感を大事にして行きたいものです。 そういえば、イースターが終わるとなんとなく家の中のデコレーションも何にして良いかわからないのですが、 日本ではもうすぐ端午の節句。 男の子のいるご家庭では、兜や金太郎さんのお人形、そしてこいのぼりなんかを出しているのでしょうね。 我が家は男の子はいないのですが、去年なぜだかいただいたミニミニこいのぼり(スーパーマーケットのお菓子売り場で売ってるアレ)が確かあったので、ちょこっと飾ってみようかな。 ...
Posted in ちくわジャーナル on April 27, 2009 05:56 AM
今日は38℃を超える暑さでした。 華氏だと101度です。 体温計でこんな数字が出たらドクターに「Tylenol(解熱剤)飲みなさい」 と言われるレベルくらいアッチッチって事です。 あ~~~~ こんな時はつめた~いモノが欲しい。 でも万年ダイエット体制なのであんまり甘くないものがいい。 作る工程を見てたら卒倒しそうな量の砂糖が含まれていそうな、あまったるいアメリカンスイーツじゃなくて あっさりさっぱりほんのり甘くて冷たい何か。 そこで本日は、アメリカにお住まいの方にはお馴染み、日本でも最近は雑誌で特集組まれるくらい知名度が上がってきた「トレジョ」(Trader Joe's)でgetした缶詰を使ってさっぱり冷たいおやつを作りました。 日本に行くと、夜な夜な実家を抜け出して近所のコンビニに行っては「わぁ~~ こんな新商品があるんだ~♪」と店内をぶらつき、結局はファッション雑誌と森永アロエヨーグルトを買って帰るのが定番です。 アロエヨーグルト。大好き。 ほんのりした甘さ、とろんとなめらかなヨーグルトの舌ざわり。 そしてぷにゅぷにゅアロエの食感! さすがモンドセレクション金賞受賞商品!!(おめでとう~!) でも、近所の日系マーケットでは手に入らないアロエヨーグルト…(´・ω・`)ショボーン しかし! トレジョで発見! 「Aloe Veraの缶詰」!! 1cm角くらい?の大きさのアロエベラの葉肉がシロップ漬けになってます。 シロップも甘すぎず、プレーンヨーグルトの味付けに使ってもいいかんじ。 アロエの大きさ、ヨーグルトの甘さや硬さを調節できるので好みのアロエヨーグルトが作れていいです。 アロエベラはスキンケア用品にも用いられてますよね。 クリームとかローションとか。 アロエから出るちょっとねばねばする物質、あれがとっても保湿力に優れているんだそうです。...
Posted in ちくわジャーナル on April 21, 2009 06:01 AM
日本からのかわいいお客様を連れてサンフランシスコ観光へ。 サンフランシスコと言ったら、ゴールデンゲートブリッジ、海、カニ、サワードウのパン、坂道…いろいろありますが、このビクトリア建築の家並みも一度は見ておきたい景色。 そして下の写真はシットコム「フルハウス」のタナー一家が住んでいる家、という設定で番組のオープニングに出てくるお家。 mクラのNeighborehoodシリーズにもあるビクトリアン建築のクイーンアン様式の特徴である塔のような出窓が素敵です。 あの2階の出窓部分が姉妹2人でシェアしていた子供部屋でしたね (*^-^*) 細くて狭そうですが奥行きのあるつくり。それに高さがある!! ・・・と思いきや。 ...
Posted in ちくわジャーナル on March 18, 2009 06:26 PM
今年もクリスマスツリーを切ってきました。 私たちが行ったときはお天気も良く、最高のきこり日和でした。 今年はおにぎりとかから揚げとか、フツーのお弁当。 そして、周りの人たちがホットチョコレートを飲んでいる横で私たちはほかほかお味噌汁。 ピクニック気分でお腹いっぱいになった後は山の中を歩いて「コレ!!」と思う木を探します。 ありました。 今年はコレに決定!!! この木を真ん中よりちょっと下辺りからのこぎりでギコギコ切り倒します。 「やってみたーい♪」 娘もお手伝い。 家の中に運び込んでデコレーションもして、中身が気になるギフトもツリーの下に並べて。 今年の主役は枝ぶりも形も良く、なかなかglamorous。 クリスマスの灯りを消す日まで、リビングルームを明るく暖かく照らしてくれるでしょう。 ...
Posted in ちくわジャーナル on December 19, 2008 05:19 AM
今年もサンクスギビングが終わりました。 これが終わると一気にクリスマス=冬に突入!という感じになりますね。 道端にツリー屋さんもちらほら。 毎年大きなターキーを焼くのですが、今年はチキンを焼きました。 約4lbsなのでいつもの10lbsのターキーに比べたらヒヨコみたいな大きさです。 香菜とかナンプラーとかで味付けしたのでエスニックな香りが、キッチンいっぱいに広がります。 お腹の中には中華おこわ風に炊いたもち米を詰めました。 むいちゃった甘栗も入れて。 もちろんこのまま食べてもおいしいのですが、チキンの味がしみこんだ、スタッフィング化したおこわもジューシーでおいしいのです。 主食はこのチキン。 そしてその横にどどーんと24cmのルク鍋いっぱいのおでん。日本人のソウルフードです。 やわらか~く煮た、ぷりっぷりの牛すじ入りでコラーゲン補給! ってなかんじでアジアンな感謝祭ディナー。 締めくくりもアジアンヌードル。 寒空の下電気屋の外に並んでいた人が戦場と化した店内でお買い得品を買いあさっているブラックフライデー。 私はのんびり起きてチキンの骨をことこと煮てスープを取り、お米のヌードルを入れてPho Gaを作りました。 鶏のダシと野菜の甘みがいっぱいのおいしいスープでした。 ごちそうさまでした。 天の恵みと毎日の糧に、☆゚・*:.。.(人-ω・)感謝♪感謝♪ ...
Posted in ちくわジャーナル on December 2, 2008 11:51 PM
先日お友達の家に新しい家族が増えました。 かわいい女の子。 しばらく一人っ子だったけれど、やっと妹ができたお姉ちゃんもとてもうれしそうでした。 知り合いの出産祝いには、上のお子さんがいる場合には何かお揃いの物などを贈ることにしています。 赤ちゃんは他の人からもい~っぱいお祝いをいただいてもまだまだ何の事かもわからないけれど、 お兄ちゃんまたはお姉ちゃんはそれを横目で見て、わかっちゃいるけどうらやましぃ~!!と少なからず思っていると思うので。 今回はお祝いの品に赤ちゃんの名前や生年月日など入れたウッドクラフトを。 コウノトリさん、ご苦労様です! そしてお姉ちゃんの名前とお誕生日を入れたハートがいっぱいのFeburary Homeを一緒に贈りました。 窓にもドアにもカーテンにもハートがいっぱい♥♥♥ 妹ちゃんと自分の名前が入ったお家を並べて飾って喜んでもらえたら私もうれしい!...
Posted in ちくわジャーナル on November 25, 2008 04:34 AM
「日本へのお土産にしたいのだけれど…」 「アメリカ生活の記念に…」 という目的でのオーダーで人気なのは4th of Julyの賑やかなパレードの沿道に建つかわいいお家。 Stars and Stripesが印象的で「これぞアメリカ土産!」 アメリカンフラッグがデザインされた商品はほかにもいくつか。 大きなスイカを抱えたUncle Sam風の人がお出迎えするAmerican Folk Art Shop ポーチもあって普通のお家みたいでかわいいですよね。 名入れできる看板部分もうす~くアメリカンフラッグになってます。 そして、フラッグといえばまさにコレ。フラッグセンター そのまんま旗屋です。 アメリカでは庭先に、そのシーズンやイベントごとのフラッグを飾っているお家を良く見かけます。 そんなファミリーも御用達のお店なのでしょうね。 こちらは、旗が1本1本立ってる雰囲気を出すように旗の間がくり抜かれてます。 お好きなアメリカをお選びください♪ ...
Posted in ちくわジャーナル on November 24, 2008 08:48 PM
先日、日本でも公開された映画「Sex and the City」 ドラマ放映時からのファンなので私ももちろん観ました! テレビシリーズが終わってから、4年という長い月日が経っても、Labels と Love を手にしたマンハッタンガールズ4人は相変わらずキレイで、H話のセキララトークも炸裂。 衣装はもちろんPatricia Fieldが手がけていて豪華絢爛。 Vivienne WestwoodやDiorのドレス、Louis Vuittonのバッグ、 そして大事なシーンに出てくるシンデレラシューズはやっぱりManolo Blahnik ! 良い意味で何のドッキリもビックリも目新しさもなく、「こうでなくっちゃ!」と思わせる内容で楽しめました。 日本にお住まいでまだ観ていない方はぜひ、映画館に足を運んでみてください。 できれば仲の良いガールフレンド達と。 そして帰りにお茶でもしながらセキララトーク! アメリカ国内ではさすがにもうあまり上映しているところはないようですが、9月23日には早くもDVDが発売されるようです。 即買い決定! それまでに以前買ったテレビシリーズのDVD BOX を久々に最初から観てみようと思います。 ピンクのカクテルでも飲みながら。 ...
Posted in ちくわジャーナル on August 28, 2008 04:53 AM
明日、遠くへ引っ越すお友達の送別会があり、娘は贈り物を持って出かけていきました。 新しい学校で仲良くなって、家も近くなのでいつも一緒に遊んでいたお友達。 離れ離れになってしまうのは淋しいことです。 でも、幸いにもインターネットという便利なモノのおかげでどこにいても手軽に連絡を取ることができるので たぶん子供たちは今までと変わらずチャットで近況報告しあい、同じ画面を見ながらゲームや動画を楽しむことでしょう。 それにしても。 日本からここに引っ越してきて驚いたのは、引っ越す人が多いこと。 もちろん、駐在で来ている人たちは任期が終了すれば帰って行きます。 しかし、日本人の駐在ファミリーに限らず、アメリカ人でも韓国人でもインド人でも、いろんな事情で移動していく人が多いです。 今まで何組の人たちを見送ってきたことか。 そういう私たちも、いつどこに移り住む日が来るかもしれませんが。 「会いに行こう!」 と思ったら広大なアメリカ大陸、太平洋。 そしてまだまだその先まで続く全世界!!! でも、せっかく出会った大切な人たちとはいつでもどこにいても " Keep in touch ! ! " な関係でいつづけたいです。 "The road to a friend's house is never long"...
Posted in ちくわジャーナル on August 3, 2008 06:09 AM
先にその三つの舵の名前を紹介しておこう。 エルロン ラダー エレベータ だ。
まあ、私の場合、デジイチに挑戦する前に、もう少しコンデジで� �を磨いてからでないと・・・。
have telepathic powers - 研究社 新英和中辞典
communicate nonverbally by telepathy - 日本語WordNet
07/07/08 UPDATE
UOの次の拡張が「Kingdom Reborn」(UOKR、甦りし王国)で、その次の拡張が「Stygian Abyss」(UOSA、ステイジアンアビイス)になります。
◎タイトル:「Ultima Online: Kingdom Reborn」(UOKR)(ウルティマオンライン甦りし王国)
○新しいエンジンでも極めて低いスペックのシステムに対応します。 これらは変更される可能性がありますが、低スペックなプレイ環境を目指しています。
○OS:Windows XP又はWindows Vista
○グラフィック:DirectX 9.0対応のビデオRAM 64MB以上の3Dカード(解像度800x600で使用する場合は、DirectX 9.0対応のビデオRAM 32MB以上の3Dカード)
○サウンド:DirectX 9.0対応サウンドカード
◎UOKRでは、UOのゲームプレイに関するいくつかの改良も行われますが、UOの基本的なルールやシス� ��ム、内容は変更されません。
◎タイトル:「Ultima Online: Stygian Abyss」(UOSA)、(ウルティマオンラインステイジアンアビイス)
◎過酷な土地での数百年の隷属を脱し、ガーゴイル族がソーサリアに戻ってきました。そして彼らによって、不運にもその苛烈な土地の一部がソーサリアにもたらされました。ステイジアン アビイスが口を開け、見慣れない奇怪な生物が地上を歩いています。しかし、危険のあるところに、冒険もあります。そこに分け入る勇気のある者に、アビイスは想像以上の宝物を提供するでしょう。
○彼らは Ultima IIIから物語の一部に登場しており、エネルギーをコントロールしたり注入したり変換する能力を持つことで知られる、神秘的で思慮深い種族です。
◎UO史上最大のダンジョン:ステイジアン アビイスの追加
デルとHPはカスタマイズPCになっているので、カスタマイズは意見が分かれるところですが、無難なのは、CPUはインテルCore2 Duo、メモリは2GB以上、ビデオコントローラ(グラフィックス)はATI RADEONかNVIDIA GeForceのカスタマイズにしておくといいでしょう。
○デル「Inspiron 530s」、「Inspiron 530」、「XPS 630」、「XPS 730」
○HP「HP Pavilion Desktop PC v7580jp/CT」、「HP Pavilion Desktop PC m9380jp/CT」
○東芝「dynabook Qosmio WXW/77GW」、「Qosmio G50W/95GW」
○デル「Inspiron 1720」、「XPS M1730」
○HP「HP Pavilion Notebook PC dv9800/CT」
And if you've ever started a business, you probably know what we're talking about: business plans.
While small startups aren't the only kind of business that need to write up a business plan, new small business owners are the most unfamiliar with how to write them, and also the quickest to question whether a business plan is "really necessary."
The bottom line – yes, they are. Unless you don't want any funding, that is.
!doctype>18 February, 2012 at 6:36 am in Buy & Sell
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Cirklenews.com New York – The U.S. declares that opposition leaders are Libya's legitimate rulers — though it may take more than that to convince Moammar Gadhafi The U.S. is stepping up the pressure on Moammar Gadhafi. American diplomats held face-to-face talks with the embattled Libyan leader's representatives in Tunisia over the weekend, and demanded that he step down. The U.S. and more than 30 other nations also agreed at a meeting in Istanbul to officially recognize rebel leaders as Libya's legitimate governing authority.
!doctype>Just bought a new computer? Have only one drive and want more? How to partition a hard drive? or just out of space and want to get some from c drive? If any of these questions are arising in your mind then you are at the right place. In this article you will learn how to partition hard drive in windows 7/Vista and XP.
There are quite a few methods for doing this. You can partition hard drive while installing windows or by using a partition software but we will be discussing the easiest which is using windows own partition manager. Partition manager software is available by default on all windows operating system and is really easy to use. Just follow simple steps give below to partition your hard drive.
!doctype>Let's cut the crap.
You want Mitt Romney to win the nomination. Who can blame you? After all, more than any other current GOP candidate, he's the most inclined to support the status quo, fellate the banksters, and continue the panem et circenses that is the hallmark of American society.
!doctype>There is no more honorable profession than instructing, but just as together with any career, teacher may experience teacher burnout. Staying motivated to do the really best job that you can do often becomes exhaustive after a number of a long time around the job. The tips that stick to might help you to avoid teacher burnout so that you can be the best for the students and also for your self.
Keep Active and also Fit
!doctype>We had scheduled a day of painting in a historic area of Sarasota and invited our client to join us for lunch.
Proper nutrition is the keystone of a healthy and productive life. Should you take in the nutrients your entire body needs, you provide the raw material for everybody the processes your body performs on a daily – and nightly – basis. Your nutritional choices have a profound influence on the degree of well-being you can achieve.
Try to increase your levels of protein and decrease the sum of carbohydrates you absorption. Protein may be actually beneficial to increasing muscle mass, one thing which will additionally help you to lose weight. Don't prevent carbohydrates completely nevertheless eat them in moderation and be convinced to eat more complex ones like fruit and grains.
!doctype>The BCAA Booster Challenge is back for 2012 as they look for the most energetic, positive, and crowd-rallying individuals to lead a whole cheering section at Rogers Arena.
From changing flat tires to giving jump-starts, BCAA is known for doing nice things for people who need help. So it's in that spirit that we introduce our next Canucks ticket challenge: Do something nice for a Leafs fan.
Posted by admin on February 5th, 2012
Farisoft Question : How to ensure good ventilation in my laptop Acer Aspire 5580
I own an Acer Aspire 5580 and I want to know how to ensure adequate ventilation in my laptop w / o spending a single centime.Merci.
MANILA -- Did the Americans ever leave? They never left.
!doctype>Throughout the centuries there has been more than one brave explorer who set out with the hope of making the next Earth-shattering discovery, only to never be heard from again. History seems to be repeating itself, albeit fictionally, in the new eight-part ABC TV series The River. In it, world famous wildlife expert, explorer, and TV personality Dr. Emmet Cole went looking for magic deep in the uncharted Amazon and never returned.
Family, friends, and admirers were more or less resigned to the fact that he was lost forever, but one day that all changed. Now the search is on for Emmet, and his ex-producer Clark Quietly is tagging along to film it all for a new reality TV show. Is he doing this, though, out of genuine concern for his longtime friend, or for a chance to make TV ratings history? Actor Paul Blackthorne, who plays Clark, ponders that very question.
"Some people have asked whether my character is a good guy or bad guy, and I think the interesting thing about him is that he's ambiguous in a sense," says Blackthorne. "Obviously some might perceive his actions as being self-serving, but at the same time Clark is helping people close to him find their loved one. He's doing that through the means at his disposal, which, I suppose, is making a TV show. Does Clark get something out of it? Yes. Do other people get something out of it? Yes.
"Clark's relationship with Emmet Cole [Bruce Greenwood] is a very deep-rooted one. They've known each other for a long time and there's a slightly brotherly bond between them. They fought a lot, they laughed a lot, and they created a lot. At the end of the day, Emmet and Clark had a great respect for each other. So my character is trying to find someone he cares very much about as well.
"An important aspect of the Clark character is that he knows and understands people very well. If you put eight or nine people on a boat in a small environment, like any good reality TV producer he's going to know how to stir up a little bit of drama. It's in his interest to make the show appealing in order to sell it. That's all wonderful in Clark's world, until peculiar things start happening on the boat and things begin to go bump in the night in the middle of the jungle.
"Suddenly, Clark is treading this fine line of making a compelling TV show and stirring up his 'characters,' but at the same time realizing he is in the middle of nowhere with strange paranormal things happening. That makes him just as worried about the next hour as the next person. So Clark has to walk that fine line, and how far does he push things in terms of creating conflict when he and everyone around him are doing their best to survive throughout all these weird escapades."
!doctype>In the wake of last week's Megaupload shutdown, some of the biggest names in the market are taking drastic action. During the last 48 hours many sites have completely withdrawn their systems for paying uploaders when their files are shared with others, but one of the most dramatic moves came first from Filesonic and today Fileserve. Both services now forbid people from downloading any files they didn't upload themselves.
While the shutdown last week of Megaupload and the arrest of its founder and management team was certainly dramatic, a situation of perhaps even greater gravity is beginning to emerge.
Over the past 48 to 72 hours, the operators of many prominent cyberlocker services have been taking unprecedented actions that can not simply be explained away by mere coincidence. The details in the Megaupload indictment clearly have some players in the file-hosting world spooked.
!doctype>1. ORGANIZATION
1.1 Promoter :
Dutch Taekwondo Federation
1.2 Organization :
Taekwondo Bond Nederland
1.3 President :
Mr. Fred Buitenhuis
1.4 Board members :
Mr. K. Schunken
Mr. M. Berghout
Mr. R. Gajadhar
1.5 Financial manager :
Mr. M. van Keulen
1.6 Information :
Executive event manager
Mr. Rakesh Gajadhar
Dutch Taekwondo Federation
Tel. : +31-78 6150560 (17.00-22.00 hrs local time)
Fax : +31-78 6150560
Mobile : +31-614126969
E-mail : infbr />Webpage : www.tkddutchopen.com
2.1 Place :
Indoor Sportcentrum Eindhoven
Theo Koomenlaan 1
NL-5644 HZ Eindhoven
Tel. +31- 40 2381400
From Saturday 19th till Sunday 20th of February, 2011
Tel : +31-40 2381320
Fax : +31-40 2381324
2.2 Date :
Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th of February, 2011
3.1 Membership :
Participants must be member of a national taekwondo federation, affiliated to the W.T.F. This membership must be proved by means of a valid federal certificate of membership at the registration.
3.2 Categories :
3.3 Age :
Age categories according to WTF-categories
Junior competitors : born in 1997, 1996, 1995 and 1994
Seniors competitors : born in 1993 and older
(Juniors born in 1994 or 1995 may compete as a junior or as a senior).
3.4 Graduation :
All competitors must hold at least 2nd Geup.
3.5 Weight divisions :
4.1 Competition manager :
Mr R. Schroter
Martial Arts Systems and Supplies
4.2 Competition rules :
WTF-Competition rules.
4.3 Mode :
Single elimination tournament system
Elimination rounds and finals: 3 x 2 minutes (30 sec break)
4.4 Doping Control :
!doctype>Low carb diets are incredibly popular today. Years ago, reducing your carb intake was frowned upon. Carbs should do you some good. Carbs give you get up and go. Carbs should be a part of all nutritious diets. Even though this is frequently true, it is a little more complicated than it seems. There nutritious carbs and carbs that have no nutritious value. Eating a low carb diet means eliminating the bad carbs. Then you can eat a decent amount of good carbs to main your energy and your balanced diet. Here are some hints that you can use to help yourself eat a low carb diet.
!doctype>Some of you may have noticed that the current version of Skype (5.3) does not support camera's connected via firewire. This was a problem, as we were using Skype to host interviews for live webcasts. I found a really simple workaround. You can download a program called ManyCamthat identifies firewire devices.
Here are the steps.
!doctype>Not all folks can come up with a substantial down payment on a property. If the loan provider thinks that your down payment is as well tiny and the has to finance much more than eighty% of the obtain cost, you might be permitted for a higher-ratio mortgage. Theres one necessity just before finding permitted for a higher-ratio mortgage: it will need to be insured.
House loan insurance plan thus functions for each loan provider and borrower. Really should you turn into sick or get rid of your position, your insurance plan instantly pays off your mortgage. The loan provider is aware that should anything at all transpire to you, their mortgage will be paid by the insurance plan firm. The charges are above and above your mortgage payments.
Most banks and credit score unions in reality finance up to eighty% of a mortgage, but charge a higher-ratio insurance plan price on the total mortgage quantity. In Canada, mortgage insurance plan is available by way of Genworth, the CMHC, and much more lately, Canada Warranty, whilst the insurance plan can be processed at the bank or loan providers business office.
!doctype>Posted by Green Roots on January 27th, 2012
!doctype>Estimates of water use in the United States indicate that about 408 billion gallons per day (one thousand million gallons per day, abbreviated Bgal/d) were withdrawn for all uses during 2000. This total has varied less than 3 percent since 1985 as withdrawals have stabilized for the two largest uses�thermoelectric power and irrigation. Fresh ground-water withdrawals (83.3 Bgal/d) during 2000 were 14 percent more than during 1985. Fresh surface-water withdrawals for 2000 were 262 Bgal/d, varying less than 2 percent since 1985.
Much of our water use is hidden. Think about what you had for lunch. A hamburger, for example, requires water to raise wheat for the bun, to grow hay and corn to feed the cattle and to process the bread and beef. Together with french fries and a soft drink, this all-American meal uses about 1,500 gallons of water--enough to fill a small swimming pool. How about your clothes? To grow cotton for a pair of jeans takes about 400 gallons. A shirt requires about 400 gallons. How do you get to school or to the store? To produce the amount of finished steel in a car has in the past required about 32,000 gallons of water. Similarly, the steel in a 30-pound bicycle required 480 gallons. This shows that industry must continue to strive to reduce water use through manufacturing processes that use less water, and through recycling of water.
!doctype>As an illustration, if you presented voice classes to vocalists in the Altlanta ga area, vanoce-vanocni-darky.info you can actually optimize ones site for the search phrase -voice lessons.- The problem with that is definitely, you are rivaling over 11 1STOPARTICLESHOP.INFO , 000, 000 other internet sites for that word. If you did get the top recognize, the vast majority of people that saw ones listing would not be your customers. If you ever narrowed ones focus as a result of -Atlanta voice lessons- you will eliminate close to 99% of the competitive sites. Now the people that visit listing will be people enthusiastic about what you are offering.
!doctype>You don't have permission to access /save-on-motorola-razr-v3-unlocked-phone-with-camera-and-video-player-international-version-with-warranty-black.html on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
!doctype>Although it seems as though nutrition should be an intuitive and easy subject, many people have trouble setting a diet and remaining committed to it. Although it is easy to be frustrated by past failures, this article is meant to provide you with the tips you need to ensure success with your future nutritional goals.
Make sure you drink lots of water each day. Sports drinks, sodas, coffee and even juices do not count toward this. Drinks other than water are filled with sugar and additives that may do more to dehydrate you than hydrate you. Drink more water than anything else, and if you have a beverage like alcohol that is dehydrating, make sure to drink twice as much water as it, to balance out.
!doctype>Thai Airways has been quietly establishing their reputation in the airline industry over the last 50 years, but are still an unknown to some. More business travelers as well as vacationers are making Thailand and other nearby places their destinations of choice and Thai Airways offers many convenient and comfortable flights to those areas.
!doctype>But one way or the other, I have not been myself of late. And the nearest description I can offer is that it has felt like a case of Early Onset Frumpiness.
Is this what women mean when they talk of suddenly feeling invisible as they reach A Certain Age?
At home, I slob around in casual gear – and feel perfectly happy doing so. But elsewhere, I have been feeling distinctly dowdy and dumpy.
After allowing this mood to dominate me for a week or so, I realised that there were things that I could do. Mostly, it was about finding ways of feeling that I was taking back control.
Step one seemed obvious. Ever since getting less than a pound back from a tenner for a single packet of fags at WS Smith at Glasgow Airport in November, my smoking days had been numbered.
!doctype>Barber Dimes were minted from 1892 through 1916. Unbelievably, some people think that older money may not be worth anything because it is no longer used. This is so wrong and is not the case. They are worth more than face value mostly because of their silver content. Many older coins are worth more than newer ones, but that is because they also had lower mintages than coins of today. In the Barber Dime classification, many dimes have a worth that is tied to the bullion market.
!doctype>Feb 1
Posted on Feb 1, 2012 in General
Here's a list of this month's diabetes-related events. Know of any upcoming events? Feel free to submit them using the link at the bottom of the calendar widget, and we'll review them and do our best to get them on the calendar.
#DSMA (Diabetes Social Media Advocacy) Twitter Chat
Every Wednesday at 9 p.m. EST – Online
The diabetes community, family members of people with diabetes and caregivers get together once a week to participate in the #DSMA (Diabetes Social Media Advocacy) Twitter Chat. The topics vary from living with diabetes, media, food, exercise and more.
Nite, Rosemary. I am back on US soil. Love my country and my bed! The sea otter is precious :)
I have always loved sea otters. There's something so adorable about their faces. We once looked into buying a border terrier which is known to look a little like a sea otter...we rescued our terrier instead...she's cute too. :-)
Cardiovascular exercising or "cardio," is exercising in an attempt to increase your heart rate and stay healthy. Cardio is just basic exercising in order to stay active, fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Many individuals have different goals for performing cardio workouts, but the main overall goal for many is to lose weight.
The reason being that cardio is the main way to lose fat as you are burning calories, which in turn burns fat off your body through sweat. Yes, cardio is huge for anyone seeking to lose weight fast, but the problem is that many individuals don't know how to do it right or what to even do.
Therefore I decided to give you an idea of what your cardio workouts should look like if you're goal is to lose a large amount of fat as fast as you can.
Before we get into how to do it, let's look at some exercises you should be doing, so you have a clear vision of what cardio is.
What Is Cardiovascular Exercising
Cardio is the attempt to increase your heart rate and maintain a healthy lifestyle through high-interval aerobic workouts.
The list of Cardio Exercises goes on and on but here are a few examples of what Cardio exercises are:
-Basic jogging on a treadmill or going on long, steady runs
-Kickboxing at high intervals
-Jump roping constantly without stopping for breaks
-Trampolining and continuously jumping for increased heart rate
-Bicycling for long distances and steep hills for harder work
Now these are just a few examples off the top of my head, but like I said the list goes on, and you can develop your personal cardio workout however you'd like to because there's no set way to perform cardio.
!doctype>Seniors Jack Burden and Mikala Wolter went through high school never participating in musicals. This year they join the cast of Les Miserables, their first acting and singing roles. Both students have their reasons for joining the musical cast their senior year, whether it be just for fun or to get back into something that they love.
"Pit convinced me to try it, it was a lot of fun," Wolter said.
Although practice times are a lot longer than anticipated, they both enjoy the experience.
"Practicing for so long can't be helped," Burden said.
Saladax Biomedical said today that President and CEO Edward Erickson has resigned due to personal and family reasons, and that he will be replaced by Kevin Harter on an interim basis. Erickson will remain a member of the company's board of directors. Harter is a co-founder and senior VP of the Life Sciences Greenhouse, and he has served as executive chairman at Saladax.
!doctype>Question asked by BigDaddyRio ™ : How can I clean my computer clean of all information currently stored on it and start from scratch
I currently have a Dell Inspiron E1405 laptop with Windows XP Media Center Edition Service Pack 2 Basically all I want to do is start over, like a brand new, fresh-out-of-the- computer box.
Maybe you just don't feel right. It is easy to write the little tickles and sniffles off as nothing major and by the time you accept them for what they are, the illness has become very real. Before you go sprinting to the medicine cabinet, why not take a look around your kitchen and see what kind of natural health items you have on hand? You might be tempted to reach right for the drugs, but using a natural health remedy is just as good an option when you're sick. If your doctor has given you specific instructions for curing your illness you will want to follow them, but why not try out a natural health method first?
Clayton Kershaw was in Oklahoma City on Thursday to accept the 2011 Warren Spahn Award, an award named after the Hall of Famer who won 363 games, given annually to the top left-handed pitcher in Major League Baseball, based on rankings of wins, ERA, and strikeouts. Kershaw led the National League in all three categories last season.
!doctype>Carolyn Colvin talks with students who are part of the West Liberty Enrichment Program including UI sophomore Catherine Martinez (left) who is applying to the teacher education program. Photo by Bill Adams.
Long before publicly engaged scholarship was an expectation for University of Iowa faculty, Carolyn Colvin was a champion for the cause.
Shortly after she arrived on the UI campus almost 20 years ago, Colvin created a partnership with the West Liberty school district to help adult immigrants and their children improve their literacy skills.
The program has benefited not only hundreds of immigrants and their children who attend the weekly free tutoring sessions, but also the UI teacher education students who plan to work in increasingly diverse classrooms and communities.
Colvin, an associate professor in the UI College of Education, teaches in the undergraduate English Education Program and the Language, Literacy, and Culture Doctoral Program, both in the Department of Teaching and Learning.
Originally from the Sandhills of Nebraska, Colvin first worked in San Diego before being lured back to the Midwest.
fyi recently sat down with Colvin to find out how she first became interested in helping immigrants succeed and how this has influenced her own scholarship and service.
How did you first get interested in helping adults with their literacy skills?
As a graduate student I taught adults who were undereducated and underemployed how to read through a Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) program. It makes you realize quickly how critical good literacy, math, and reading skills are to get and hold good-paying jobs. I was fascinated, hearing stories of these adults who had sometimes graduated from school but would admit that they had employment issues because of their literacy skills. I'm really drawn to people who are on the educational margins.
!doctype>Abstract | In China, the number of regional anesthetic procedures has increased in recent years. This tremendous increase can be linked to the perception that regional anesthesia is associated with numerous advantages and with very few costs. This increase has been seen not only in obstetrics but also in other surgical departments. Numerous new techniques have been applied during the latest decades. However, like other anesthetic procedures, regional anesthesia can cause complications too like systemic local anesthetic toxicity, PDPH, CES, etc. Diagnosis and treatment of these complications are of great importance to anesthesia doctors. Unfortunately, there isn't a definite number about the incidence of neurological complications of regional anesthesia in China. Neither is a simple, effective way to treat neurological complications. Thus, we designed the following studies. Clinical Investigation on Complications of Regional Anesthesia—-Multipul centers,prospective study1 ObjectiveTo investigate neurological complications of regional anesthesia in 11 anesthesia centers.2 Methods11 professors from different hospitals attended a meeting hold up by anesthesia center of Xijing hospital and discussed the prospective design of this research. Clinical anesthesia doctors are in charge of filling in regional anesthesia investigation chart which is followed up by a special doctor for 1 week to 3 weeks according to the patient's condition. Those charts were put into an access 2007 data base. Datas were integrated and ananlysised by SQL server system finally. Incidences of different complications and OR were investigated then. |
Teddy Geiger Fall Anyway lyrics was added to the site 5 Dec, 2011 and since that time has 0 hits and voted 0 times. Other popular Teddy Geiger lyrics are: Too Far, Lie Tonight and Gentleman.
Something special, something strangeHow to convert Blu-ray/DVD and videos to WMV for play/stream to Xbox 360
This tutorial intends to list out all the video formats supported by the Xbox 360, and explains all the available ways to play videos on Xbox 360 in HD quality or stream videos to Xbox 360. The videos include Blu-ray movies, standard DVD movies, and various other videos, such as ISO image file, Camera footages, MKV, MTS, VOB, M2TS, TS, TP, FLV files, etc. Lets Get Started.
Part 1: The details of Xbox 360 supported file formats
1. AVI:
File Extensions: .avi, .divx
Containers: AVI
Video Profiles: MPEG-4 Part 2, Simple & Advanced Simple Profile
Video Bitrate: 5 Mbps with resolutions of 1280 x 720 at 30fps.
Audio Profiles: Dolby? Digital 2 channel and 5.1 channel, MP3
Audio Max Bitrate: No restrictions.
2. H.264:
File Extensions: .mp4, .m4v, mp4v, .mov
Containers: MPEG-4, QuickTime
Video Profiles: Baseline, main, and high (up to Level 4.1) profiles.
Video Bitrate: 10 Mbps with resolutions of 1920 x 1080 at 30fps.
Audio Profiles: 2 channel AAC low complexity (LC)
Audio Max Bitrate: No restrictions.
3. MPEG-4:
File Extensions: .mp4, .m4v, .mp4v, .mov
Containers: MPEG-4, QuickTime
Video Profiles: Simple & Advanced Simple Profile
Video Bitrate: 5 Mbps with resolutions of 1280 x 720 at 30fps.
Audio Profiles: 2 channel AAC low complexity (LC)
Audio Max Bitrate: No restrictions.
I'm so glad you are appreciating your Red-Winged Blackbirds! People usually ask me how to get rid of blackbirds.
Winter is my favorite season but we all know February feels like the longest month and by March you're anxious for any harbinger of spring. .
A basic WiFi home network can be assembled fairly quickly. On the other hand, many homeowners aren't aware with all the different options available for making their particular network better. Any wireless network can have its capability, functionality and security enhanced. Consider these tips for improving your wireless home multi-level.
1. Upgrade or replace with correct apparatus
In addition to the basic WiFi equipment such as the hub and the wireless minute card, which may be upgraded by using newer, faster or maybe more compatible equipment simply because it comes on the market, different wireless gear which include video cameras, game adaptors together with print servers are exciting to consider. Do the research and get the best quality equipment for any good price.
A pair of. Install the access point strategically
!doctype>Essentially the most significant Mexican artists is Marco Antonio Solis. He is not only called a vocalist but probably a songwriter, composer and also producer. In his profession, he has written around 300 songs and sold eighty million records. Beginning his career on the age of 6; he executed along with his cousin Joel Solis as a singer, naming themselves as Los Hermanitos Solis. Becoming successful in their duet, Los Bukis was made which has been a 5 member band. It was the moment he was a member as being the lead singer of Los Bukis when he obtained the warm welcome of audiences from Mexico, South America and also Central America.
!doctype>Mr. Hauff, I've enjoyed your posts on H&R top break revolvers, of which I've learned alot about the following revolver that I've recently inherited from my uncle. The H&R revolver is a .38 cal, 5-shot, top-breaking, 3.25" barrel, nickel-plated, "target-logo" black handle, spurred hammer, w/five patents on top-side barrel dated from Oct 4.87 to April 7, 1896.
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